
POST api/Events

API interface handling generic JSON requests for Events

GET api/Events/{id}

Get details for Event Specified by the given Event ID

GET api/Events/ByDate/{day}

Get event details for a specified day

GET api/Events/ByDate/{fromDate}/{toDate}

Get event details for events startig within given date range


POST api/UserDepartments

API interface handling generic JSON requests for UserDepartments

GET api/UserDepartments/ListDepartments

List all known departments

GET api/UserDepartments/{id}

Show details for given department id


POST api/Regions

API interface handling generic JSON requests for Regions

GET api/Regions/ListRegions

List all known regions

GET api/Regions/{code}

Show details for specified region code


POST api/AppointmentServiceTypeRules

API interface handling generic JSON requests for AppointmentServiceTypeRules

GET api/AppointmentServiceTypeRules/CurrentRules

Get details on all current rules as at function call

GET api/AppointmentServiceTypeRules/{id}

Get details of Specific Appointment Service Type Rule by given ID

GET api/AppointmentServiceTypeRules/AsOf/{day}

No documentation available.


POST api/ClientReferrers

API interface handling generic JSON requests for ClientReferrers

GET api/ClientReferrers/ListReferrers

Fetch details of all known Client Referrers

GET api/ClientReferrers/{id}

Get details for Referrer with teh given Client Referrer ID


POST api/ClientRespitePeriods

API interface handling generic JSON requests for ClientRespitePeriods

GET api/ClientRespitePeriods/{id}

Get details for Client Respite Period Specified by the given ID

GET api/ClientRespitePeriods/ByClient/{id}/{day}

Get respite details for a specified client and day

GET api/ClientRespitePeriods/ByClient/{id}/{fromDate}/{toDate}

Get respite details for respites startig within given date range

GET api/UserRespitePeriods/ByUser/{id}/{day}

Get respite details for a specified user and day

GET api/UserRespitePeriods/ByUser/{id}/{fromDate}/{toDate}

Get respite details for respites startig within given date range


POST api/Notes

API Interface handling general JSON requests for ClientNote details (number of records returned defaults to 100)

GET api/Notes/ListStatuses

Return a list of available Noe Statuses

GET api/Notes/ListTypes

Return a list of available Note Types

GET api/Notes/{id}

Get details for ClientNote with given identifier

GET api/Notes/ByUser/{id}/{day}

Get notes for user(s) for a given day (limited to 100 returns)

GET api/Notes/ByUser/{id}/{fromdate}/{todate}

Get notes for user(s) for the given date range (limited to 100 returns)

GET api/Notes/ByClient/{id}/{fromdate}/{todate}

Get notes for client(s) for the given date range (limited to 100 returns)

GET api/Notes/ByClient/{id}/{day}

Get appointments for client(s) scheduled for a specific day (limited to 100 returns)

GET api/Notes/ByDate/{day}

Get all appointments on given day (limited to 100 returns)

GET api/Notes/ByDate/{fromdate}/{todate}

Retrieve notes with in date range (limited to 100 returns)


POST api/Users

API Interface handling general JSON requests for user details

GET api/Users/{id}

Get details for User with given Id (param1)

GET api/Users/ByPostcode/{code}

GET details for users with given postcode

GET api/Users/ByPostcode/{fromcode}/{tocode}

Get details for users with postcodes with specified range

GET api/Users/BySurname?surname={surname}

Get details for users with given Surname

GET api/Users/BySurname?fromname={fromname}&toname={toname}

Get details for users with Surname within specified range.

GET api/Users/ByBirthday/{dob}

Get details for usesr with specified birthdate

GET api/Users/ByBirthday/{fromdate}/{todate}

Get details for users with birthdays within given range

GET api/Users/ByMobile/{phone}

Get details for users with given Mobile phone number.

GET api/Users/ByPhone/{phone}

Get details for users with given Phone number


POST api/LeaveRequests

API interface handling generic JSON requests for LeaveRequests

GET api/LeaveRequests/{id}

Get details for Leave Request Specified by the given Leave Request ID

GET api/LeaveRequests/ByDate/{day}

Get LeaveRequest details for a specified day

GET api/LeaveRequests/ByDate/{fromDate}/{toDate}

Get LeaveRequest details for LeaveRequests startig within given date range


POST api/TaskTypes

API interface handling generic JSON requests for TaskTypes

GET api/TaskTypes/ListTypees

Get details on all known Task Types

GET api/TaskTypes/{id}

Get details for specified Task Type ID


POST api/ClientContacts

API interface handling generic JSON requests for ClientContacts

GET api/ClientContacts/{id}

No documentation available.

GET api/ClientContacts/ByClient/{id}

Get Client Contacts for client(s)


POST api/Medications

API interface handling generic JSON requests for Medications

GET api/Medications/ListPackages

Get details for all known Medications

GET api/Medications/{id}

Get medication details for specified ID


POST api/TripPoints

API interface handling generic JSON requests for TripPoints

GET api/TripPoints/ListPoints

Get details for all known Trip Points

GET api/TripPoints/{id}

Get details for Trip Point specified by ID


POST api/ClientPackageSchedules

API interface handling generic JSON requests for ClientPackageSchedules

GET api/ClientPackageSchedules/{id}

Get details for Client Package Schedule Specified by the given ID

GET api/ClientPackageSchedules/ByDate/{day}

Get clientPackageSchedule details for a specified day

GET api/ClientPackageSchedules/ByDate/{fromDate}/{toDate}

Get ClientPackageSchedule details within given date range


POST api/UserPayGroups

API interface handling generic JSON requests for UserPayGroups

GET api/UserPayGroups/ListGroups

Get details for all known User Pay Groups

GET api/UserPayGroups/{id}

get User Pay Group details for specified User Pay Group ID


POST api/FundingTypes

API interface handling generic JSON requests for FundingTypes

GET api/FundingTypes/ListTypes

Get details for all funcing Type

GET api/FundingTypes/{id}

Get details for specified Funding Type ID


POST api/AppointmentServiceTypes

API interface handling generic JSON requests for AppointmentServiceTypes

GET api/ServiceTypes/ListTypes

List all known Appointment Service Types

GET api/ServiceTypes/{code}

Show details for specified Service Type Code


POST api/ClientBillingGroups

API interface handling generic JSON requests for ClientBillingGroups

GET api/ClientBillingGroups/ListGroups

Get all client billing group details

GET api/ClientBillingGroups/{id}

Get details for the client billing group specified by the given unique id


POST api/ClientPackages

API interface handling generic JSON requests for ClientPackages

GET api/ClientPackages/ListPackages

List all known packages

GET api/ClientPackages/{id}

Show details for specified package id


POST api/Appointments

API interface handling generic JSON request for Appointment details (Note: maximum number of records returned defaults to 1000)

GET api/Appointments/ListStatuses

Return a list of available Appointments Statuses

GET api/Appointments/{id}

Untested: Get details for appointment specified by unique Id

GET api/Appointments/ByRef/{ref}

Fetch appointments using given reference(s)

GET api/Appointments/ByUser/{id}/{day}

Get appointments for user(s) scheduled for given day

GET api/Appointments/ByUser/{id}/{fromdate}/{todate}

Get appointments for user(s) falling with the given date range (limited by default to 1000 returns)

GET api/Appointments/ByClient/{id}/{fromdate}/{todate}

Get appointments for client(s) falling with the given date range (limited to 1000 returns)

GET api/Appointments/ByClient/{id}/{day}

Get appointments for client(s) scheduled for a specific day

GET api/Appointments/ByDate/{day}

Get all appointments on given day

GET api/Appointments/ByDate/{fromdate}/{todate}

Retrieve appointments with in date range (limited to 1000 returns)

GET api/Appointments/ByDate/WithCounts/{fromdate}/{todate}

Retrieve appointments with in date range (limited to 1000 returns) including record return count


POST api/CareQualificationLevels

API interface handling generic JSON requests for CareQualificationLevels

GET api/CareQualificationLevels/ListLevels

Get all Care Qaulification Level Details

GET api/CareQualificationLevels/{id}

Get the details for the specfied Care Qualification ID


POST api/Clients

API interface handling generic JSON requests for Clients (limit for maximum records returned defaults to 200)

GET api/Clients/ListLanguages

Return a list of ABS Language codes

GET api/Clients/{id}

Get details for client specified by Id

GET api/Clients/ByPostcode/{code}

GET details for clients with given postcode (records returned is limited to 200)

GET api/Clients/ByPostcode/{fromcode}/{tocode}

Get details for clients with postcodes with specified range (records returned is limited to 200)

GET api/Clients/BySurname?surname={surname}

Get details for clients with given Surname (records returned is limited to 200)

GET api/Clients/BySurname?fromname={fromname}&toname={toname}

Get details for clients with Surname within specified range (records returned is limited to 200).

GET api/Clients/ByBirthday/{dob}

Get details for clients with specified birthday

GET api/Clients/ByBirthday/{fromdate}/{todate}

Get details for clients with birthdays within given range

GET api/Clients/ByMobile/{phone}

GEt clients with (sql pattern) matching phone number (records returned is limited to 200)

GET api/Clients/ByPhone/{phone}

Get details for clients with given phone number (records returned is limited to 200)


POST api/StatementItems

API interface handling generic JSON request for StatementItem details

GET api/StatementItems/{id}

Retrieve a specific StatementItem by given id

GET api/StatementItems/ByUser/{id}/{day}

Get statement items for user(s) for a given day

GET api/StatementItems/ByUser/{id}/{fromdate}/{todate}

Get statement items for user(s) for the given date range

GET api/StatementItems/ByClient/{id}/{fromdate}/{todate}

Get statement items for client(s) for the given date range

GET api/StatementItems/ByClient/{id}/{day}

Get appointments for client(s) scheduled for a specific day

GET api/StatementItems/ByDate/{day}

Get all appointmnets on given day

GET api/StatementItems/ByDate/{fromdate}/{todate}

Retrieve statementItems with in date range